Things our lawyer wants us to say:
Horseback riding is an inherently dangerous activity and involves risks that may cause serious injury or death. The user assumes full responsibility to ensure equipment is maintained in proper working order, used only as directed, and used in a safe manner. Do not use the equipment without gaining full knowledge of its proper use and required safety procedures. These can be found at and in the online instructional video accessed here.
The purchase or use of the Unisit device implies an understanding and acceptance of the following risks, terms and conditions:
I am aware that in spite of the quick-release feature, there may be increased danger by being strapped to a horse with the Unisit. I am also aware that the pressure the Unisit puts on my sacrum and lumbar spine to match the horse’s gaits may cause problems such as back pain, neck pain, leg pain, and other discomforts associated with an immediate and dramatic change in the use of muscles, and realignment of bone and tissues. I am aware that the onset of side effects may happen the next day or even the next week.
I also agree that if I experience nausea, changes in vision, or persistent pain while riding, I will immediately remove the Unisit device. The Unisit should be used in conjunction with a professional trainer. It is also recommended that it is used in gradually increasing increments of five to 10 minutes at a time, over the course of the first 10 rides.
I agree that I have read and understand the Do's and Don'ts as they are displayed on the Unisit website herein, and available at this link. The Unisit Sit Strap system is sold without warranty, expressed or implied. No warranty or representation is made as to this product's ability to protect the user from any injury or death. The user assumes that risk.
Horseback riding is an inherently dangerous activity and involves risks that may cause serious injury or death. The user assumes full responsibility to ensure equipment is maintained in proper working order, used only as directed, and used in a safe manner. Do not use the equipment without gaining full knowledge of its proper use and required safety procedures. These can be found at and in the online instructional video accessed here.
The purchase or use of the Unisit device implies an understanding and acceptance of the following risks, terms and conditions:
I am aware that in spite of the quick-release feature, there may be increased danger by being strapped to a horse with the Unisit. I am also aware that the pressure the Unisit puts on my sacrum and lumbar spine to match the horse’s gaits may cause problems such as back pain, neck pain, leg pain, and other discomforts associated with an immediate and dramatic change in the use of muscles, and realignment of bone and tissues. I am aware that the onset of side effects may happen the next day or even the next week.
I also agree that if I experience nausea, changes in vision, or persistent pain while riding, I will immediately remove the Unisit device. The Unisit should be used in conjunction with a professional trainer. It is also recommended that it is used in gradually increasing increments of five to 10 minutes at a time, over the course of the first 10 rides.
I agree that I have read and understand the Do's and Don'ts as they are displayed on the Unisit website herein, and available at this link. The Unisit Sit Strap system is sold without warranty, expressed or implied. No warranty or representation is made as to this product's ability to protect the user from any injury or death. The user assumes that risk.